Foreigners living in Suðuroyar kommuna are offered courses in:

  • Faroese Language
  • Geography
  • History and Social Studies
  • Family Relations
  • Rights and Responsibilities etc.

The purpose of the courses is to help you better understand Faroese society.

The courses will be held every thursday night at to 9 pm. It will be devided in to classes. Beginners and next level faroese.

We will invite you to a get together saturday at in the School of Tvøroyri. Invite one family member to join you. Your kids are also welcome.

This way we can find out, if you have trouble joining classes because of work. Together we can scehdule classes over the weekend instead. It is very important, that you will show up to the get together.

Sign up by calling tlf. 211971 or post an email at: Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.

Teachers are: Poul B. Olsen og Lív Næs